The Caffeinate Digital crew recently had the pleasure of restoring Dj Redlight’s website to its original form and additionally uploading his album ‘Coming Soon’ to SoundCloud and YouTube.Caffeinate Digital recently sat down with Helen, Ashley’s mother, to reflect on the legacy and life of her son.
Hit the link to read Ashley’s story.

2015-07-22 - Album Demo
Hrmm.. tap tap tap.. Is this thing still on? I know Ive been very quiet for far too long. Today is my birthday and to celebrate Ive uploaded a small sample of what Ive been working on for the last couple of years. Ive (very) slowly working on an album in between studying software engineering at university and working full time doing music studio installs around Perth!. (Though this website looks like it could use a tidy up too..)
Have a listen to it here! and let me know what you think 🙂
2012-09-02 - Beatport Release
2012-08-16 - Illuminor – That Way (Ashley Carr Remix)
My new remix of Illuminor – That Way is up. Check it out! Release to follow soon! 🙂
2012-01-28 - Tropscore Entry
Happy New Year 😀
Just uploaded a new Youtube clip. Its my entry to 2012s Tropfest Tropscore competition. Basically you had to create an original composition for a short film they provided. Was a lot of fun. Unfortunately I didn make the finalists this year though. Oh well, next time! Check it out 🙂
2011-07-30 - New track
Just uploaded a new track. Its called “Far From Home” and is a melodic chillstep track. Really Proud of this one, I hope you all enjoy it too 🙂
2011-05-07 - Mum
Just uploaded a new original track dedicated to my lovely mum Helen for Mothers day. Its called “One Thing or Another” and is an instrumental piano piece. Hope you enjoy it as much she did! Love you mum! 😉
2011-03-07 - made my day :)
I just found an awesome blog post on Arc Rose Studios about my music and it totally made my day 😀 Thankyou!
2011-01-01 - happy new year
Wishing you a happy new year and all the best for 2011!
2010-12-28 - twitter!
Are you a Twitter user? Are you vaguely interested in the boring things go on in an average dj redlight day? Why not follow me! 😀 @djredlight
2010-12-25 - redlight_demo on youtube
Just uploaded the redlight_demo on youtube, if you havent already, check it out! 😀
2010-12-24 - merry christmas
Just wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and new year! Its been a super busy year for me and I just want to thank you guys for all the support! 😀
– Ash
2010-12-20 - new track
Just uploaded a new track both here and soundcloud.. its a little different haha, but i love it all the same! This marks the 51st track Ive released on! 😀
2010-10-17 - computer people!
Im sure a lot of you have already seen it but ive uploaded computer people to, I hope you all get a chuckle out of it the second time around =)
2010-10-15 - Follow me on facebook
Just started this one.. Click here to follow me on facebook!
2010-09-28 - Congrats Jase
Congratulations to my friend Jason Mak who graduated a bachelor of commerce tonight. Proud of you man =)
2010-05-12 - DDR!
I found this today.. freaking awesome!!
Someone playing my Dr Mario Remix on a DDR Machine! Excellent! 😀 😀
2010-04-24 - new tracks – soundcloud
Its been waaaaaaaaay too long to update here. Working on a new website.
In the meantime ive updated with a two new tracks in the music section which you can also find on soundcloud.
2009-12-24 - Merry Christmas
Hey guys, just wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year.
2009-10-12 - Hey
Hey everyone, over a year since my last update. Ouch. Ive been really busy with study and work that ive found it hart to keep this site active as well. Thats not to say I havent been writing music though.
There will be some new updates coming soon including a completely rewritten website and tunes to listen to. Hopefully youll see that sometime in the coming months.
Basically, this is just a post to let you know that im not dead. Just busy 🙂
2008-09-09 - New track(er)
New track up called twist of fate. This one is different from all the other tracks on this site as its a tracker module, its only 70kb and you can play it in winamp or any other module player. Its also up at the mod archive. Comments please :D:D
2008-06-20 - New tracks.
I havent been around for a while, been pretty busy with study. Ive uploaded three new tracks.
I found rebirth again the other day, its now available for free on this page. For those who dont know, its an old program that was the precursor to Reason, the software I currently use. I wrote “Construct” the other day entirely in Rebirth, and it just goes to show you dont have to have expensive gear to make kick ass music.
The second two uploads were the remixes I produced for the delta q delta project. They are uploaded here in the misc page. They are uploaded here and will not be featured in the delta q delta project.
Anyway thats about it, Ill try and update a little more frequently.
2007-11-13 - updates! updates! updates galore!
You cant say I don’t love you all. Not one! not two! but TWELVE! unreleased tracks up today making 14 new tracks up this week. Thats an entire album! 😀
I have a LOT of unreleased material and I was taking a trip down memory lane going through it all yesterday. This update is just a tiny selection of that material from 2004 to 2007.
Most of it you will find in the OLD TRACKS section of the music page, however the two tracks, “Sucker” and “I’m Gone” are in the NEW TRACKS section as I’ve only recently finished them 🙂
Also, I’ve taken down the download for the subtractor tutorial, if you want to view it you can still see it at
Anyway I hope you all love these tracks as much as I do 😀
2007-11-11 - new tracks
A couple of updates today. The first is a track entitled “the sad song”. Sometimes i write songs that aren really that serious and this is one of those. Its a joke song directed at emo culture 🙂 (snap out of it people!! *slap!*) Before you go running off to listen to it, the track features some pretty terrible vocals by myself, so be warned :P.
The second track is a drum and bass track that was my mobile phone ringtone for quite some time and only recently ive converted it into a full track.
Work is still progressing (albeit slowly) on my flash that i think i told people to look out for. Dont expect it any time soon 😛
Finally my music will unfortunately not be included in Delta Q Delta. OCRemix are of the opinion that the tracks were originally rips and not acceptable sources. I will however release my work at a later date.
2007-09-18 - my youtube debut
Ive just uploaded a new video of mine to youtube called “The Trip”. It features a previously ureleased drum and bass track of mine and classy windows movie maker production values. 🙂
2007-09-17 - Quick Update
Not a big update, ive just uploaded a tutorial I created on synthesis with Propellerhead Softwares Subtractor in wmv format. You can find that in the music section, and then under misc files. Ive also properly tagged every track on this website with ID3v2 tags.
As i said, its not much. 😛
2007-08-21 - half a year zips by quite fast
Over 6 months since i updated last! Thats disgraceful. Ive been pretty busy completing a music production course.
Long story short, ive uploaded three of my assessment pieces.
Sine is a funky electronica track. Come to me is a trance track and fly is like a oldschool synthrock piece.
Also be on the lookout for two of my remixes in the up and coming Delta Q Delta Doom 2 Remix Project over at Overclocked Remix.
Hopefully more updates soonish.
2007-01-31 - dr mario remix
A new remix of mine has been posted at overclocked remix this week. Its called Burning Up and its a remix of the chill theme from the Nintendo classic, Dr Mario.
I hope you all enjoy it.
2007-01-01 - happy new year!
Just wishing everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year. My website was down for a few days due to overwhelming traffic from newgrounds, but as you have undoubtedly guessed, its back up. Thanks for your continued support over the past year, and heres to many more..
2006-12-22 - music from computer people
I had a few requests for the music of computer people so ive uploaded it to the misc page of the music section 🙂
2006-12-21 - computer people makes front page at newgrounds!
Yes you read that right! I dont believe it either! My stupid little flash animation made front page at newgrounds. Thanks to the newgrounds staff and to everyone who watched computer people.
2006-12-07 - newgrounds
Another little update, Ive just uploaded a flash animation which i produced well over a year ago to at the request my mate The Orichalcon, a talented producer and judge from Overclocked Remix.
It was produced just as a bit of a laugh, so i hope you all go and check it out and vote! (dammit!) :D:D
But seriously, it was just a bit of fun and i hope you get a giggle out of it.
2006-12-06 - updates
Just a quick note to let you know i’m not totally dead. I’ve been pretty busy lately with school and its taken up the vast majority of my energy. However I have been producing, and this is just a little update of what i’ve been up to. Three songs this time around. The first, Something for Nothing is a mix of piano and classical orchestration with more modern rnb elements. I think the two work quite well together and I’m very happy with how this song turned out. The second is entitled Funkelitious. Written a while ago this one tries to merge jazz inspired piano instrumentation with funky wah wah rhodes and other epianos. Again i think the fusion style in this track works well. The final track uploaded is called happichappi, lol. This one takes itself far less seriously than some of my other works and it was a hell of a lot of fun to produce. Acoustic guitar and blippy poppy synthwork weave this tune thats part happy hardcore, part acoustic and part jungle. Definitely a bit of fun. So yeah, thats about it. I hope you enjoy these tracks and please feel free to comment 🙂 Thanks Ashley
2006-08-03 - Plagiarism
A risk that must be taken when offering free music compositions on the net is that enevitably someone will try and pass it off as their own work, if even among their friends or on a larger scale music sharing website. This has happened to me and my compositions on more than one occassion and while im flattered that someone would want to steal my music, it pisses me off no end to think that the countless hours of dedication and hard work that goes into this music is being piss paraded around by other people like its nothing. So this is just a reminder to those people, my music is copyrighted and protected, and when you come here, know that i dont share my music with the world for you to come and grab and steal. Anyone who wants to abuse what i do here can go and find a tall building.
2006-07-22 - update
Sorry everyone, the updates arent exactly coming thick and fast. Ive been really busy lately with school and stuff and It was my birthday yesterday which was cool 🙂 Im about to start a new music production course next week which should be awesome. Im still writing, just not nearly as much, Ill have some music updates within the next few weeks. Thats pretty much it. 🙂
2006-06-08 - New Remix Uploaded
Ive had this one sitting on my desktop for ages, so i decided to upload it tonight. Its a hard trance remix of the theme from the hit bbc television series, dr who. You can find it in the miscellaneous section of the website. I hope you enjoy it 🙂
2006-05-21 - Redlight Demo
Ive been a fan of the demoscene for a very long time, secretly yearning to be a part of it. Well for those who dont know, a demo is a computer program that merges electronic music production, mathematics, graphic and 3d design and programming to create a visually stunning digital presentation. The demoscene is a collective of dedicated people who keep the art alive.
I recently stumbled across a fantastic little program called werkkzeug by .theprodukt which simplifies the entire process of creating a demo. So here it is.. my very first demo 🙂 I just called it the redlight demo, and you can download it in the new miscellaneous download page in the music section. I hope you enjoy it.
2006-03-28 - new stuff!
Hey everyone. A couple of new tracks uploaded today, “Obsessions” and “No More”. Both are piano tracks and i am quite happy with them. “No more” has been featured in a brand new flash project by my mate Patrick. Its called Xunmato Alpha. You have to play it, its a great game with some awesome cutscenes, but more importantly its great fun! Enjoy.
2006-01-22 - told ya
Three tracks uploaded today, An electronica track, a new drum and bass track and an old drum and bass track 🙂 Just a little sorry for the lack of updates here, im getting to them 🙂 I hope you enjoy the tracks..
2006-01-20 - new stuff
Hey everyone, sorry about the lame lack of updates.. getting around to it 🙂 honest… Ive fixed up the website a little bit to kill the automated spam stuff that ive been getting in the guestbook and the mailing list. Its pretty simple, when you see the page youll see an image, all you have to do is type whats in the image and you e done. It just cuts the crap advertisments. So… if theres any problems with it, if you find an error or whatever, please email me. Thanks 🙂 Ill upload a couple of new songs in the next few days, but im glad i got that out the way 🙂
2005-12-24 - merry christmas
Just a quick message wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year. Hope you all have a lovely day and have fun at the obligatory family christmas parties. =)
2005-11-07 - new tracks
Sorry again about the lack of updates, ive just been busy. Ive uploaded two tracks for you this week, one is a new track which i started a fair while ago and just had the chance to finish, entitled Hotwire. The other is one you may have already heard, a letter to catherine, which i wrote back in 2003. It has been remastered to sound a little cleaner. Stay tuned this week for more updates.
2005-10-17 - dizzy valentine gets aired
Tune in to ABC Radio National, Sound Quality this friday to hear one of my tracks, Dizzy Valentine. This is Australia wide, so you should be able to get it. You can find out how to tune in by looking here :D:D.. stoked
2005-10-02 - descent 2 – revelation
Just to let everyone know that the remix ive been talking about has gone up at ocremix. Its a remix of the credits theme from descent 2s midi soundtrack. The song is entirely synth apart from the guitar at 4.16, Something i havent done before. So yeah check it out and i hope you enjoy it.
Thanks go out to djp and the nice folks and judges at ocremix for their great reviews =)
2005-09-23 - dream
Not that it has much to do with anything, but i had what must have been the most random dream i think ive ever had, and that says something because i have random dreams all the time. I even used to have a posh english recurring dinosaur who drank copious amounts of tea and taught me proper english manners. Anyway this was one of those dreams that happen just before you wake up, so its still really vivid in my head. If you are not interested in my dream then that was pretty much your cue to stop reading.
Anyway it started off with me at some airport. Im waiting to get on this plane to somewhere i dont know. I eventually get on only to find that the interior of the plane is Innaloo, my local shopping center (mall). confused i decide to start walking trying to find the exit because they sell some awesome bread there. Im walking along, trying to counter the turbulence, until suddenly this orange man comes charging up to me with a worried look on his face. Out of breath, this orange bloke is like “Thank god i caught up to you! I have to tell you that your share portfolio has been upgraded to a category 5, but dont worry though, its only temporary until john gets a new bike. It should take out the lower part of Houston but nobody likes that phone company anyway.” Im like “righteo, but wheres that bread”. “I dunno, but there should be some in Dallas” Said the orange bloke as i walked away, ignoring him. Not noticing the giant hole in the floor of this shopping center mall plane, i fall through, landing into the ocean about a minute later. Now im sinking further and further underwater, until i eventually make a cameo appearance on the set of the little mermaid for which i recieve rave reviews…
Then i woke up, and typed it here.. Never did find that bread =(
The end.
2005-09-14 - new track uploaded.
Ive just uploaded a new track called Logic. It is a progressive breakbeat track that i wrote a few weeks back. I really dont know what else to say about it so yeah, I hope you enjoy it. =)
2005-09-10 - updates!
Just a quick thankyou to all the people who have commented in the guestbook, and to those who emailed me personally. The response to my music has been incredible. =)
Ive uploaded two tracks to the website. One is my interpretation of 80s synth pop which is fairly funky :), the other is one some of you have been asking for, For You I Will which has been remastered.
For you i will is the first in a series of old songs i will be uploading to
I have also updated the music section of the website with comments pages for each song. This tells me what sort of music you guys like the most and the feedback is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks again.
2005-09-06 - omg! an update!
Haha woops! I forgot I had a website to run… lol not really, I just havent really had a lot of stuff to update with 😛 Ive updated the php code of this site a lot, and yeah thats about it… I have been writing a bunch of new tracks and i promise theyll be up here VERY soon. My descent 2 remix “Revelation” is going through the judges panel now, so hopefully with a bit of luck you might see it on OCR soon =) Also Im hoping to upload a few of my old tracks from the old
Until then, Sorry about the lack of updates, they are coming, i swear! haha
2005-08-04 - new tracks uploaded!
I know I haven updated this in a while so I’ve just uploaded two new tracks to the music section. The first is entitled Shades of Grey which is an awesome chillout track, the second is an orchestral track called the Secret Symphony of Life and Death. Download them both today! =D
2005-07-22 - happy birthday to me!
Hi everyone. Today is my 19th birthday, so i thought id quickly post something here. Ive just put up a brand new track for everyone to download, its called anti gravity electronic symphony. I wrote it a fair while ago but its still one of my faves =) You can download it from the music section of this website. Also Ill be putting another one up in the next couple of days so keep an eye out for that. =) Anyway id better jet. Ashley