Very nice work! I heard your Doom/Doom 2 remixes and was blown away. Youre stuff is awesome, you know Im a film maker myself, if I ever get big or famous, Ill give you tons of money to score a movie for me!

192 entries.
Message Whatzup, im a big fan of your music style. How is your latest project progressing... B......... hehehe BTW: This site may not be GREAT but a nice clever design it surely is! ๐
Well done. Youve come such a long way and they all sound great! Got to get yourself a living out of this so keep it up. I would like to say more but Ive been told I am not allowed!๐. ๐
Hey there. Nice site. I love your work on OCR. Keep it up. ๐
Been a fan on OCR for a long time, just now realized you had this site! ๐ฎ Many forms of excellent.
Hey Ash! Its been a long time. Im so glad that you have a website up again. Im eager to download your latest tracks and hear some new songs. Keep up the good work!
hey. this stuff your doing is awesome. you are really going to go far with this (im being compeletely serious)... only wish i had gotten you to sign that CD you made for me ages ago... might be wirth something, jjks* all the best. claire k.๐
1 word, Amazing!
Ashley! A trendy and nice website you have constructed, weldone! Your music is good as always. I look forward to seeing more updates for sure. Keep persuing your career.๐
Dude nice work heh seems all the down time was put to good work. I think its time to go further dont u? get out there man n get a name... dj more , talk to radio stations nething. I know ull do well catcha๐